The Checklist Manifesto (How To Get Things Right) by Atul Gawande


The Checklist Manifesto (How To Get Things Right) by Atul Gawande

This is a wonderful book. Very quick and easy to read and full of examples of not only HOW checklists can help your life, but WHY they will help.

Atul’s examples range from industries like Construction and Aviation to his main concern – Medicine – specifically surgery. He shows how using lists to remind oneself of processes and steps is not a WEAKNESS but contributes to a greater strength than can be imagined.

He has **proof** that it aids bringing group of people into a team of people and he does all of this in a very readable style. Get this book. If you are a compulsive **listmaker** (like me) it will help justify why you do what you do, if you hate lists it may show you why others find them useful and how you too can benefit from them.