finding the theme used by a website

You have seen a website with a great look and some neat features and you want to use that theme on your own website.

How do you find out what theme was used? Some people leave the theme name in the footer of the page so you can see it, however a lot of sites do not do that.

To determine the theme used, you can use a service such as     or

These are easy to use, just type in the URL of the site and let it process the site and tell you the theme name.

or do it yourself by typing into your browser search bar:  view-source:

(replace with the url you want to know about.

When you can see the source code, do a find (use Ctrl+F in google chrome) for these words: wp-content/themes

You will see this come up multiple times and in each case the word directly after the word ‘themes’ in the is the name of the theme.

In my case the theme is called mobile

Try it.

A Change Of Theme and A Blogging Initiative

I have changed the theme of this blog from the minimalist with lots of white space – illustratr. (Yes that is how it is spelt) to the more friendly reddle. These are both free themes available from

I liked the earlier theme but unfortunately it only allowed widgets in a hidden panel just above the footer. You didn’t see it right? To see it you have to click on the triangle with the plus sign at the bottom of the page. Plus some of my posts are short, I believe in brevity where it is appropriate, short posts look tiny with all that white space.

I may keep Reddle, the new theme, but I have my eye on two other themes to try so expect it to change again a couple of times before it settles down.

You will have noticed a small graphic in the right hand panel with the slogan “500 words” this is part of an initiative my jeff goins to help bloggers with a free course and a challenge. It is a sort of nanomowri idea where we participants try to improve our blogging and part of it is to write 500 words per day.

In the past I have done this for myself. From November 2013 to June 2014 I get statistics on my writing and averaged 500 a day, although that meant some days not writing and some when I would write 2000 words in one go. This current initiative is for 500 words a day every day. The idea is to develop the habit. The words can be blog posts like this one or other pieces but not emails. Just as well as most of my emails are under 50 words.

Writing is a discipline and it gets better and easier with more practice. Go to to see how he is managing his gang of improving bloggers.