finding the theme used by a website

You have seen a website with a great look and some neat features and you want to use that theme on your own website.

How do you find out what theme was used? Some people leave the theme name in the footer of the page so you can see it, however a lot of sites do not do that.

To determine the theme used, you can use a service such as     or

These are easy to use, just type in the URL of the site and let it process the site and tell you the theme name.

or do it yourself by typing into your browser search bar:  view-source:

(replace with the url you want to know about.

When you can see the source code, do a find (use Ctrl+F in google chrome) for these words: wp-content/themes

You will see this come up multiple times and in each case the word directly after the word ‘themes’ in the is the name of the theme.

In my case the theme is called mobile

Try it.